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Vivaldi Orchestra

Vivaldi Orchestra Online

Our JQOP online music enrichment is designed to provide distance learning enrichment including music literacy worksheets, music apps to improve home practice sessions, and inspiring videos of professional musicians and ensembles.

Home Practice Apps Starter Set

These two free mobile apps are all you need to support your home practice sessions

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Download and print Music Literacy Packet and create a free Zoom account

Music Literacy Packet
Music Literacy Packet
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Vivaldi Shared Folder

Virtual Learning Set-Up

Weekly Learning Objectives

Week of March 23rd

  1. I can play:

    • Measures 1-27 of Moonlighting for rhythm (at the least being able to clap correct rhythm)

    • Measures 1-27 of Baby Elephant Walk for fingerings (at any tempo)

  2. I can demonstrate (tone, tuning, and timing)

    • 2 minor one octave scale with staccato and slur 2 bow strokes

    • Any 2-octave scale using half bow

  3. I can identify:

    • the order of the circle of fifths (F C G D A E B) 

    • the key signature of first 5 major keys beginning with 'F' major​

  4. Complete first 4 pages of work packet


Week of March 30th

  1. I can play 'Baby Elephant Walk':

    • violin II & viola, measures 32-33 ;

    • violin I, measures 37-45 ;

    • cellos, measures 1 to the end 

  2. I can play Moonlight:

    • cellos, accents at measures 27-40 ;

    • violas violin II, correct pitches at measures 1-27

  3. I can demonstrate

    • the ability to successfully shift to third position or thumb position (cellos)

    • great bow hold and posture with instrument when playing scales

    • 2 major two octave scales (bowings decided by TA’s) 

  4. I can identify:

    • the order of the sharps and flats

  5. Complete up to page 8 of the work packet


Week of April 6th

  1. I can play:

    • Every sixteenth note passage at 80=bpm in baby elephant walk viola violin I & II; entire piece using correct dynamics and articulation 

    • Rhythmic accuracy and tempo 41-52 of Moonlighting for cellos (perhaps having them play with a recording) ; 1-27

  2. I can demonstrate:

    • I can name the finger patterns of any one octave scale, I can play a two octave scale in tune against a drone; continue third/thumb position 

  3. I can identify:

    • Articulate function of time signature

  4. Complete to page 11


Week of April 13th

  1. I can play:

    • Successfully switch between pizz and arco in Moonlighting; cue before entrances and were marked; play through to the end

    • 56-end violin I for rhythm in Baby Elephant Walk; 37-50 violin II viola for rhythm, pitch and dynamics

  2. I can demonstrate:

    • 2 octave scale that uses third position/thumb position 

  3. Finish the packet


Week of April 27th

  1. I can play a 2 octave major and minor scale that use 3rd position/thumb position

  2. I can comfortably shift from different positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd) 

  3. I can choose one or two solo piece to learn (unaccompanied is best)


Week of May 4th

  1. I can play 2 octave major and minor scales with metronome and slurs

  2. I can demonstrate second or third position etude/sight reading 

    • Violin online resources: mastering third position, Hans Sitt etudes book II, I also own a few etude books I can send pdfs of

    • Cello online resources: tbd

  3. Introduce vibrato and vibrato exercises 


Week of May 11th

  1. I can play exercises using vibrato

  2. I can play both major and minor 2 octave scales with slurs and metronome

  3. I can identify a 2 oct arpeggio cycle

  4. I can identify two things to improve upon in my solo pieces


Week of May 18th

  1. I can play a full 2 octave arpeggio cycle 

  2. I can apply vibrato in my music 

  3. I can play major and minor scales with slurs and a metronome.

  4. I can refine etudes with 2nd and 3rd position

Double Your Impact Before April 30th

All donations made before April 30th will be matched up to $19K by the Massachusetts Cultural Council

Tuning your Instrument

Tuning the pegs on all string instruments

Violin Tuning

Cello Tuning

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Proud supporters of JQOP

Viola Tuning

Bass Tuning

How to Rosin a Bow

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Proud supporters of JQOP

Tuners can be used to help ‘tune’ an instrument and produces a sustained sound to use as a tool for playing better ‘in tune’ during home practice.

Metronome Apps

Metronomes can be used to keep a steady beat while you practice. Here are a few low-cost apps for your mobile device.

Pulse - Free

Drum Loops & Metronome - Free drum loops

Music Apps

Below is a list of fun music apps to keep your home practice fun and entertaining while you play your instrument.

Scales and Sight Reading Apps

Scales are the basic language of music and it's important to practice daily. But you can also make it fun!

Serious Music to Watch

Listening to great music is just as important as playing it. Enjoy these iconic string pieces played by the world's top performers!

Play the most important part in our orchestra community!

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