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Board Spotlight | Karen Euler, Andrew Schneller and Cel Kulasekaran

At Boston Music Project, we are proud to have a board that reflects the students and communities we serve, with a shared commitment of bringing transformative music education to Boston youth. This week, we spotlight board members Karen Euler, Andrew Schneller and Cel Kulasekaran, who share their favorite aspects of BMP!

Karen Euler is the Chair of the BMP Board. She is passionate about creative youth development and joyfully committed to the strategy and board development work she performs alongside Boston Music Project’s board and administration. Ms. Euler has served for over 10 years as marketing leader or consultant to nationally-recognized commercial architecture and design firms in Boston and beyond. A parent in the BMP program, Ms. Euler appreciates the dedication of all involved and is especially proud of the resilience of the teachers and administration in their pivot to remote learning in 2020-2021.

"The most significant aspect of the program for me is the ensemble-based learning. Young people playing closely together and learning from each other is inspiring and magical. Although the friendship, guidance, and leadership of the teaching artists is obviously critical, there is a special place in my heart for the synergy of children growing together with minimal adult interference."

"There is a special place in my heart for the synergy of children growing together with minimal adult interference." -BMP Board Chair Karen Euler

Andrew Schneller brings to Boston Music Project skills in big-picture, long-term strategic, organizational, and financial planning. Mr. Schneller is currently a manager of global strategy deployment at Liberty Mutual where he has led strategic planning processes for several operations, including a global business unit and operations as diverse as Brazil, Ireland, Thailand, India, Hong Kong, and several other countries. The majority of his career has been dedicated to setting long-term strategic direction for an array of organizations; he holds an MBA and completed Liberty’s senior management

development program.

"The 3 concerts that BMP performs throughout the school year are what I enjoy the most. I love watching the students play their instruments and then collectively beam with pride because they know how much they accomplished. At these concerts I can see so clearly the amazing impact of the Boston Music Project."

A current parent in BMP, Mr. Schneller joined the board because he observed the potential for it to make a positive impact on the social-emotional development of children and saw an opportunity to help expand that impact. He plays a key role in helping BMP set larger goals for itself and develop the plans to achieve them.

"I love watching the students play their instruments and then collectively beam with pride because they know how much they accomplished." -BMP Board Member Andrew Schneller

Cel Kulasekaran is the Treasurer of the BMP Board. He is also the managing director of research at Windham Capital Management and is a principal of their technology and advisory arm, Windham Labs. He believes that humans are happiest when they create. His passions stem from this view, including his work, family, children, and music. As a parent and board member, he would like to see more children benefit from the Boston Music Project.

"I think that the Boston Music Project's ensemble-based experiences are a powerful tool for learning and engagement in school for its students. Observing rehearsals and performances, what amazes me the most is how brilliant each and every child is. They sight-read music, write music, and perform! Having access to wonderful teaching artists and an orchestra in school is something I hope every child can experience."

"Having access to wonderful teaching artists and an orchestra in school is something I hope every child can experience." -BMP Board Treasurer Cel Kulasekaran

To learn more about our board, we invite you to check out their full bios on our Board of Directors page.

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