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Villa-Lobos Orchestra

Villa-Lobos Orchestra Online

Our JQOP online music enrichment is designed to provide distance learning enrichment including music literacy worksheets, music apps to improve home practice sessions, and inspiring videos of professional musicians and ensembles.

Home Practice Apps Starter Set

These two free mobile apps are all you need to support your home practice sessions

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Download and print Music Literacy Packet and create a free Zoom account

Weekly Music Packets
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Villa-Lobos Shared Folder

Virtual Learning Set-Up

Weekly Learning Objectives

Week of March 23rd: Intonation Week!

Learning Objectives: 

  1. I can play through both a 'G' Major and 'e' minor scale. Do I know the key signature? Do I know what the fingerings are? 

  2. I can demonstrate how to properly use the InsTuner app while I play, so that I can make sure that I am playing my scales and my songs in tune. (Your private lesson teacher will help you learn how to use the app during your first lesson)

  3. I can identify whether or not the notes I’m playing are spot on, too sharp, or too flat. 


Week of March 30th: Rhythm Week!

Learning Objectives: 

  1. I can play through both a 'D' Major and 'b' minor scale, and also the "Perpetual Motion" in D Major that is in this week’s packet.

  2. I can demonstrate using the Metronome app while I play to make sure that I am playing all my scales and pieces with the correct rhythm.  I will also be able to demonstrate how to clap and sing different rhythms my private teacher asks me to do in my lesson. 

  3. I can identify the beats in each measure in all the pieces I am learning, and can clap the big beats while counting the rhythms out loud. 


Week of April 6th: Note-Reading Week!

Learning Objectives: 

  1. I can play through both a 'F' Major and d minor scale. The three 'd' minor pieces in this week’s packet. 

  2. I can demonstrate how to use the tricks that my private teacher taught me when it comes to sight-reading new music. I can list the steps you use when sight-reading a new piece of music. 

  3. I can identify all of the note names in all the pieces I’m learning this week without any help. I can also sight-read some of the extra tunes my teacher gave me. 


Week of April 13th: Become The Teacher Week!

Learning Objectives: 

  1. I can play the melody of my favorite song on my instrument, and be able to perform for my private teacher during next week’s lesson. 

  2. I can demonstrate the ability to use all that I have learned about playing my instrument to help teach someone else how to play it.  Maybe you can try to teach your parents!

  3. I can identify all the things that need improvement while teaching my private teacher during my lesson. I can also identify things they could use to help fix problems as well. 


Week of April 27th: Slurs Week!

Learning Objectives: 

  1. I can play through both a C Major and a minor scale.  I can also play through one of the pieces in this week's packet. 

  2. I can demonstrate how to control my bow while playing slurs.  I can also play through a C Major scale or a minor scale using slurs.  For example, slurring two notes per bow. 

  3. I can identify the correct bowings to use while playing a piece that has slurs.  For example, almost always will the beginning of a new measure start with a down bow.


Double Your Impact Before April 30th

All donations made before April 30th will be matched up to $19K by the Massachusetts Cultural Council

Tuning your Instrument

Tuning the pegs on all string instruments

Violin Tuning

Cello Tuning

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Proud supporters of JQOP

Viola Tuning

Bass Tuning

How to Rosin a Bow

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Proud supporters of JQOP

Tuners can be used to help ‘tune’ an instrument and produces a sustained sound to use as a tool for playing better ‘in tune’ during home practice.

Metronome Apps

Metronomes can be used to keep a steady beat while you practice. Here are a few low-cost apps for your mobile device.

Pulse - Free

Drum Loops & Metronome - Free drum loops

Music Apps

Below is a list of fun music apps to keep your home practice fun and entertaining while you play your instrument.

Scales and Sight Reading Apps

Scales are the basic language of music and it's important to practice daily. But you can also make it fun!

Serious Music to Watch

Listening to great music is just as important as playing it. Enjoy these iconic string pieces played by the world's top performers!

Play the most important part in our orchestra community!

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