Rimsky Orchestra
Rimsky Orchestra Online
Our JQOP online music enrichment is designed to provide distance learning enrichment including music literacy worksheets, music apps to improve home practice sessions, and inspiring videos of professional musicians and ensembles.
Virtual Learning Set-Up
Weekly Learning Objectives
Week of March 23rd
Learning Objectives:
I can sing Frere Jacques. Download music here
I can play part 1 of Frere Jacques.
I can demonstrate a good bow hold.
I can identify musical terms.
Week of March 30th
Learning Objectives:
I can play part 2 of Frere Jacques.
I can demonstrate quarter and eighth note rhythms.
I can identify the D, E, F#, and G on the staff.
Week of April 6th
Learning Objectives:
I can play part 3 of Frere Jacques.
I can demonstrate half and whole note rhythms.
I can identify the first 4 notes of the G Major scale on the staff.
Week of April 13th
Learning Objectives:
I can play part 4 of Frere Jacques.
I can demonstrate good posture in both rest and playing position.
I can identify all the notes of the G Major scale on the staff.
Week of April 27th
Learning Objectives:
I can play all of Frere Jacques in D Major.
I can identify the notes of Frere Jacques in G Major.
I can play a G Major scale.
Tuning your Instrument
Tuning the pegs on all string instruments
Violin Tuning
Cello Tuning

Proud supporters of JQOP
Viola Tuning
Bass Tuning
How to Rosin a Bow

Proud supporters of JQOP
Tuners can be used to help ‘tune’ an instrument and produces a sustained sound to use as a tool for playing better ‘in tune’ during home practice.
Metronome Apps
Metronomes can be used to keep a steady beat while you practice. Here are a few low-cost apps for your mobile device.
Soundbrenner - Free
Pulse - Free
Drum Loops & Metronome - Free drum loops
Music Apps
Below is a list of fun music apps to keep your home practice fun and entertaining while you play your instrument.
Scales and Sight Reading Apps
Scales are the basic language of music and it's important to practice daily. But you can also make it fun!
Serious Music to Watch
Listening to great music is just as important as playing it. Enjoy these iconic string pieces played by the world's top performers!
Itzhak Perlman, Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto
Hilary Hahn, Sibelius Violin Concerto
Yo Yo Ma, The Swan for Cello by Saint-Saens
Jaqueline Du Pre, Elgar Cello Concerto
Nabuko Imai, Schumann Fantasy Pieces for Viola
Molly Carr, Rebecca Clarke Viola Sonata
Edgar Meyer, Bottesini Bass Concerto
Bach Brandenburg Concerto 3 for Strings