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BMP Teaching Artist Spotlight | Immei Wong

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

At the Boston Music Project, we are proud to have an exceptional team with a diverse background of teaching and performance experiences. When our Teaching Artists are not teaching music lessons, they are pursuing their own professional careers as active performers, composers, music producers, dancers, and more!

This year we are excited to welcome Immei Wong to the BMP Team as Director of the Newbold Orchestra!

Immei Wong is a violinist originally from Macau, China. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music from The Boston Conservatory, and Master’s Degrees in Music Performance and Music Education from The Boston Conservatory. She has been a teaching artist at the Berklee Institute for Arts Education and Special Needs since 2015.

Immei is an experienced teacher who believes all children are capable of musical learning, regardless of their diverse abilities. As a musician and a teacher, she strives to bring out the musical talents of her students and provide them with a safe and joyful learning environment.

We asked Immei to share a bit more about her musical background and her work as the Director of the Newbold Orchestra.

Who were some of your musical inspirations growing up?

"I really enjoyed listening to Mozart’s music growing up. I was fascinated by the beautiful simplicity of his music and at the same time, how it was so incredibly difficult to play."

What energizes or excites you most as a teacher and as a performer?

"As a teacher, I love seeing the light in my students’ eyes whenever they solve a problem. As a performer, I really enjoy the intimacy and connection of playing in a chamber music group. That brings me a lot of joy."

Can you talk about some of the work that you do with the students in the Newbold Orchestra?

"We have a really high standard at the Newbold Orchestra. The students work really hard on their listening skills and playing as an ensemble. Each of them can play beautifully as an individual, but playing in an ensemble requires a lot of teamwork."

Can you share a favorite moment from your time as the director of the Newbold Orchestra?

"One of my favorite moments so far is to see my older/more advanced students pair up with younger students and practice together. It makes me really happy to see my older students taking up the mentoring role."

Outside of music, what are some things you enjoy doing that bring you joy?

"I like walking in nature, ballroom dancing, and cooking."

To learn more about Immei, we invite you to read her full biography on our Teaching Artists page.

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