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Important Instrument Care Tips

Writer's picture: Christopher SchroederChristopher Schroeder

Amanda Roth, BMP's Instrument Specialist, shares 5 tips for keeping your instruments safe at home. Thank you to Johnson String Instrument for your continued instrument support and thank you to The D'Addario Foundation for the in-kind replacement string donation! 單擊此處,獲取普通話的完整翻譯。

Cleaning Tips:

  1. The best way to keep your instrument clean is by washing your hands before and after playing. Always make sure your hands are dry before handling any instrument. Do not use hand sanitizer or household cleaners on your instrument. If you think you need your instrument cleaned, please contact BMP.

  2. Use a soft cloth to wipe rosin and dust off strings and the instrument body. Do not use any abrasive materials.

Instrument Storage Tips:

  1. Store your instrument in the case and in a place that is room-temperature, normal humidity, and away from A/C or heating vents and out of direct sunlight. It’s important to store the instrument in a place with relatively consistent temperature and humidity to avoid damage.

  2. Take off the shoulder rest or sponge before putting the instrument in the case or if you’re a cellist or bass player, put the end pin in.

  3. If you are traveling with your instrument, do not leave your instrument stored in a vehicle. Vehicles become hot or cold very quickly and exposing the instrument to these conditions can lead to damage.

Bow Tips:

What this short video demonstration on how to loosen and tighten your bow.

Tuning and Rosining Tips:

  1. When tuning your instrument, use the fine tuners first, if you have them. This is especially important for violin players when tuning the E string.

  2. If you need to tune with the pegs, always tune down first (loosen the string) and then bring it up to pitch. Never go higher than the tuning pitch. Use a tuner to help you determine when the instrument is in tune.

  3. If your bridge* or soundpost falls, please email and we will help you determine next steps. *The bridge holds up the strings and the sound post is a small dowel located INSIDE the instrument vertically between the top and the back of the instrument. (See diagram to the left)

  4. If your instrument experiences any other damages (ie. cracks, breaks) please contact BMP and we will help you determine next steps.

  5. To learn how to rosin your bow, we invite you to watch this short via from our friends at Johnson String Instruments.

Additional Resources:

Tuning Resources & Videos in English, Española, Kreyòl, and 普通話

Thank you to our instrument sponsors!



BMP的儀器專家Amanda Roth分享了5條提示,以確保您的儀器在家里安全。感謝Johnson String Instrument一直以來對樂器的支持,也感謝D'Addario基金會的實物替換弦樂捐贈!


  • 保持樂器清潔的最佳方法是在演奏前後都要洗手。在操作任何樂器之前,請務必確保手乾燥。請勿在儀器上使用洗手液或家用清潔劑。如果您認為需要清潔儀器,請聯繫BMP。

  • 用軟布擦拭松香和琴弦和樂器主體上的灰塵。請勿使用任何研磨性材料。


  • 將儀器存放在室溫和正常濕度,遠離空調或通風口且沒有陽光直射的地方。請務必將儀器存放在溫度和濕度相對穩定的地方,以免造成損壞。

  • 在將樂器放入盒中之前,請脫下肩託或海綿,如果您是大提琴手或貝斯手,則將端銷插入。

  • 如果您攜帶儀器旅行,請勿將儀器存放在車輛中。車輛很快變熱或變冷,將儀器置於這些條件下可能會導致損壞。




  • 調準樂器時,請先使用微調器(如果有)。這對於調小E弦對於小提琴演奏者尤其重要。

  • 如果您需要用弦鈕調音,請務必先調音(鬆開琴弦),然後再調高音調。切勿高於調音音高。使用調諧器可以幫助您確定樂器的音調。

  • 如果您的橋樑*或音柱跌落,請發送電子郵件至,我們將幫助您確定下一步。 *琴橋托住琴弦,音柱是一個小的銷釘,位於樂器內部,垂直位於樂器頂部和背面之間。 (參見左圖)

  • 如果您的儀器還有其他損壞(例如破裂,斷裂),請聯繫BMP,我們將幫助您確定下一步。

  • 要了解如何松弓,我們邀請您來約翰遜弦樂器公司的朋友們觀看短片。


Thank you to our instrument sponsors!

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